Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking Events

How to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking festsHow to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking EventsNetworking is vitally important for your career because it can open the door to exciting possibilities like meeting influential people, a future mentor, or new opportunities.It can also be both personally and professionally enriching. So why do some of us avoid building our network through networking auffhrungs?Maybe its the fear of the unknown or the thought of it makes us feel uneasy. To help you overcome these emotions, heres how to prepare for a networking event and to get the most out of the event, while youre there and after you leave. Before You Go Find networking events to attend Two sites that work well are and each site, search for categories that interest you and then select a network type of event. You could also check out associations that your LinkedIn network belongs to and see if they offer networking events or conferences.If an assoc iation really interests you, join it and then be sure to subscribe to its newsletter to learn about upcoming events. Preregistering for events is a good idea because you will be less likely to bail if youve already registered.That will also give you time to prepare and so make anticipating the event less stressful. Get mentally prepared Ask yourself these questions to platzset a goal about what you want to accomplish at the event Are there a number of contacts you want to hit?What will your ask be?Is there a problem youre looking to solve?Are you looking for a new hire?Is there a type of person you want to meet? Having a goal to achieve will help you maintain your focus and keep the nervousness at bay. Next, research what each event is about.If there is a presentation, research the presenter and think of questions youd like to ask them.If the event will be held in an interesting location, read up on it because that will give you a great conversation starter. Prepare a rough outline about what professional and/or personal information you will share with new contacts.Having the outline will help you keep the conversation going without babbling on and enable you to avoid those awkward moments of silence. Get physically prepared Plan the outfit you will wear.If its after work, bring a new outfit with you to change, so you will feel fresh and special. Find some time to relax before the event begins.Check yourself out in a mirror to make sure everything is in place.Then take a few slow deep breaths.You are not going into a competition.No one knows about the goal youve set for yourself at this event.Only you will know if you succeed or not. While Youre There Remember to smileYou have worked hard to get to this point and should be proud of what youve already accomplished.So smile for yourself and for others. Believe that you are someone worth meeting because you are Work on your goal As you meet new people, consider ways they could help you meet the goal youve set for yourself. Treat everyone gently and listen attentively to what they have to say, even if you realize they arent someone who can help you achieve that goal. Who knows? You may have met someone who will become a new good friend or who could help you reach a goal- or whom you could help reach a goal- in the future. Enjoy yourself No matter your primary goal, your secondary goal should be to have fun. Dont put so much emphasis on making the event a success that you forget to be yourself at the moment. Youll make a better impression on everyone you meet if youre there in a spirit of fun. Keep track of the new people youve met After youve made a connection with someone, take some notes so youll be able to recall who everyone was. The more people you chat with, the hazier the details may be later. As youre writing your notes, visualize the persons face again so it will be easier to recognize them the next time you see them in person. Leave at the right time Make your exit when youve a ccomplished or made satisfactory progress toward your goal. After the Event Review your notes Look over your notes, remember the conversations youve had, and decide whom youd most like to follow up with. Even if you dont feel youve made a worthwhile connection with someone, you should at least follow up with a LinkedIn invite and perhaps an email. Deepen the connection If you really hit it off with someone and/or think theyre an important networking connection, definitely follow up with an email. Ask to meet with them again sometime, perhaps over coffee or for lunch. Dont come on too high-pressure, like a used-car salesman. Let the relationship develop a bit before you ask about job openings at their company or seek an interview, informational or otherwise, with them or someone else in their company. Plan for your next event If you still feel a bit apprehensive about networking, plan to go to another networking event pretty quickly to keep up your momentum. But now that youve go tten one down, theyll get easier and youll gain even more confidence and get more out of each one.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone

How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone When dealing with problems in the workplace (or anywhere), consider several approaches that may mitigate hostility and promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict at hand. First off, give other people the benefit of the doubt. Dont immediately assume an individual is acting with the worst intentions in mind. Much more likely, poor choices were made based on miscommunication, overwork, or accidental oversight. Approach the issue from the viewpoint that a negative outcome was notlage the result of a personal vendetta. When discussing the issue with a co-worker, try to remain neutral and not let emotions control the direction of the conversation.A great way to get a different perspective on the issue is the tried and true put yourself into the other persons shoes technique. Try to understand the other priorities and pressures your co-worker is facing in plus-rechnen to the bungled behavior at t he root of a problem. Putting yourself into a position to feel empathy for another person can help you better understand his or her state of mind that might have led to a mistakes besides outright maliciousness.Workplace tension is often caused by basic misunderstandings especially when conveying instructions for a complex project or other task. Before delegating any assignment to a co-worker, meet with the individual and clarify the precise responsibilities that person is taking on for his or her tasks. Afterward, periodically check in on progress to make sure instructions are being followed and to prevent problems from occurring from the start.An easy way to escalate a minor dispute into a full blown argument is to use destructive criticism and name calling. When (not if) disagreements arise, keep criticism constructive and remain supportive. Keeping an even tone and using neutral wording are the primary means of avoiding tension buildup and the development of resentment. Bottom l ine be tactful at all times.A key tactic to keeping problems from reaching your manager is to resolve any conflict rapidly. Dont wait around for the other person to hold out an olive branch. Once your emotions have settled, politely ask to meet with your co-worker and focus on finding a solution to the problem. Sometimes the resolution can be as simple as apologizing or being forgiving. Other times, particularly uncompromising people may not be willing to cooperate in dispelling tension. Especially rude or stubborn people may leave you no other choice than to escalate the issue to a supervisor. Despite the inevitable presence of these people in the workplace, most disagreements can be solved through simple diplomacy and mutual empathy.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Introduction Etiquette for Business Men and Women

Introduction Etiquette for Business Men and WomenIntroduction Etiquette for Business Men and WomenBusiness etiquette rules for introducing people in a geschftsleben setting are notlage much different from the accepted customs of personal introductions in a social setting. Unfortunately, the rules of introduction are not so straightforward and simple as one might think, and who you introduce first does matter. For example, in most social settings in the U.S. (and in fact, worldwide) it is still considered customary and preferred for women to be introduced to men (instead of men being introduced to women). But as women achieve more equality, this rule is changing, particularly in the U.S. business world. Situations Social and Business Introduction Rules Are the Same In both business and social situations, you should always introduce Younger people to older people.Junior-ranking professionals to senior-ranking professionals.Business contacts and staff to clients.Personal acquaintanc es and family members to business professionals when attending a business function.Guests to their hosts. In other words, as a show of respect introduce those of a lower position to those of a higher status whether that means a social or professional status. As antiquated and unfair as this may sound, this protocol for introducing people is still considered socially acceptable (and often expected) in the U.S. and many other countries. Avoid Discrimination It is important to note that under no circumstances should you use introduction rules to socially define people of another race, color, religion, or sexual preference as a someone of a lower status. To do so would be purely inappropriate and discriminatory. The purpose of designed introductions is to show respect for the presumed social order based on position or accomplishment, and not to demean or classify other people as being inferior. Social Protocol for Introducing People in a Business Situation In a business setting, always introduce people by saying their title and full anthroponym first, and then follow with a brief, interesting, or relevant piece of information about the people you are introducing. For example, when introducing Sally Rider, one of your advertising and marketing managers, to Dr. Jennifer Wilkins, a business client, introduce Sally (asubordinate employee) to the senior professional (in this case, the client) Dr. Jenkins, this is Sally Rider, our topadvertisingand marketing executive who will be personally handling your account with us. Sally, this is Dr. Jennifer Wilkins. She heads the womens education department at theAdvanced Institute for Business Women. Dr. Wilkins is interested in new ways to market their education programs to women. If the person you are introducing has no title, you do not know her title, or it would seem too formal for a particular setting, you can offer her name first but still follow with information about what she does. How to Respond to an Intro duction When someone has just been introduced to you, your response should be genuine, short, and simple. You should also repeat the persons name at the end of your greeting. Repeating the name of the person you were just introduced to serves two purposes it shows polite respect, and it helps you to remember the persons name. You can also add a brief comment about the person (not about yourself) For example It is so nice to meet you, Dr. Wilkins. I have followed your work for years with much enthusiasm.It is wonderful to finally meet you, Dr. Wilkins. I look forward to working with you. How to Respond to an Introduction If You Dont Know Their Title If someone was introduced to you without reference to their title (i.e., Doctor, Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.), you have to use some common sense in your reply. Your response should take into accountwhyyou are being introduced. Is the introduction a social courtesy or intended to connect you with the purpose of establishing a new relationshi p? In most cases, introductions as a social courtesy demand a more formal reply (using titlesand last names), while introductions to build business relationships between people of equal status can generally be more relaxed. For example, if you are being introduced to someone you might work or partner with or someone who is of equal social or professional standing you can use their first name in your response Its a pleasure to meet you, Margaret. If you are being introduced to a potential new boss or someone that is or will be your senior, be more formal and add their title Its a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Dixon. If in doubt, or the introduction is being offered as a courtesy or is very formal always add a title. This shows respect and allows the person being introduced to decide whether or not they want to be on a first-name basis with you. How to Respond to Being Formally Introduced to Business Men Simply add Mr. in front of their last name. For example, if John Smith was introd uced to you, an acceptable response might be, Its an honor to meet you, Mr. Smith. How to Respond to Being Formally Introduced to Business Women Always go with Ms. if you do not know the marital status or title of a woman. Incorrectly using Mrs. offends some women, whereas calling a woman Ms. (even when incorrectly used) is not nearly as offensive. Never address any woman asMiss unless she has specifically been introduced to you as Miss.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)Youve considered the reasons why you should or shouldnt self-publish, and have decided to give self-publishing a try. Then youve reviewed the editorial, packaging and sales considerations, and decided to publish an e-book. If you like the idea of your self-published e-book being available for the online retail giant, Amazon.coms, Kindle device, then Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) may be an e-book self-publishing tafelgeschirr to consider.? About Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Kindle Direct Publishing offers e-book-only publishing, a format popular with authors such as genre novelists (for Amazon.coms paperback publishing services, landsee CreateSpace). While of course you should thoroughly review all the features and contractual points before signing up for any self-publishing service, here are some of Kindle Direct Publishings highlights. KDPs Editorial Design Services - Kindle Direc t Publishing doesnt offer editorial services per se (though those services are available for a fee from KDPs Amazon sister company CreateSpace). In order to format the file for your e-book, KDP does offer a compact booklet (both in Kindle and PDF form) that provides detailed technical specifications for publishing your e-book successfully on the KDP platform.KDP Book Package - Kindle Direct Publishing offers e-book only format and, as stated above, gives parameters and instructions for the technical specifications for formatting the file. In addition to the instructions for the file format, strongly suggests that the book have a compelling cover image, though for those books that dont have an image, the service will fill in with a simple placeholder. Book Cost/Pricing - There are no upfront charges to self-publish on KDP. The author chooses his or her own list price offers options for 35 percent author royalties and 70 percent author royalties. Each option come s with its own tischset of parameters. KDP allows the author to switch royalty options, if desired, but its advisable to review the options carefully before choosing the first time.Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing Book Distribution - The Kindle Store provides KDP-published authors with a distribution channel. Amazon Kindle owners can purchase KDP content on the Kindle Store site and download it for reading on the Amazon Kindle wireless e-reading device. Readers who do not own an Amazon Kindle are also able to read KDP content on their PCs or Macs by using Kindle for PC/Mac software or read KDP content on their mobile phones or PDAs with the Kindle app. Kindle Direct Publishing Book Publicity and Marketing - When an author publishes through KDP, it is included in Amazons merchandising algorithms. While its not explicit how a quickly a new book will be entered into the clickstream (presumably it has to do with topic, sales movement, etc), online merchandising may include the book jacket and description appearing when a customer is viewing another books page, under such cross-promotional areas as More Items to Consider, Customers with Similar Searches Purchased, and Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought. Promotional programs also may include customer sampling. Kindle Direct Publishings Proprietary Advantages - In addition to the obvious distribution potential of Amazon.coms retail site, those who publish with Kindle Direct Publishing, are offered the opportunity for additional advantages, such as added royalties, through a feature called KDP Select.By enrolling in Amazon.coms KDP Select, authors make their book accessible to the Kindle Owners Lending Library (a readers service whereby Kindle/Amazon Advantage users borrow books for free). Each month, Amazon sets aside a pool of funds and KDP Select authors share in them, according to the number of times their books are borrowed.An authors share of the Kindle Owners Lending Library Fund is calculated based on a share of the total number of qualified borrows of all participating KDP titles. For example, if the monthly fund amount is $500,000, the total qualified borrows of all participating KDP titles is 100,000. If a book was borrowed 1,500 times during that period, the books author will earn 1.5 percent (1,500/100,000 1.5%), or $7,500 for that month.Those who have already published to KDP can also enroll with KDP Select. Visit the Kindle Direct Publishing website.If youve self-published your own book, feel free to submit a review of Kindle Direct Publishing or any other self-publishing service.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Proper Ways to Request Vacation Time

Proper Ways to Request Vacation TimeProper Ways to Request Vacation TimeGoing on vacation bears the responsibility of being accountable to your co-workers and anfhrer. You canelend simply up and leave because you purchased plane tickets or found a great deal on If you are not sure how to go about it, we share the proper ways to request vacation time at your next job.Check the rulebookBefore you begin to plan a vacation, check out your employee handbook or operational guidelines. Make sure you know the companys guidelines for requesting vacation days. Ultimately, when you are planning your vacation there will be a greater sense of ease that you are not risking your job in the process.bedrngnis only is it respectable to the other co-workers, when you start sharing your pictures and locations on social media, there is no concern someone from work will see it.On top of this, you want to make sure you are not taking too many days at once or taking more days off than you are al lowed. Checking the rulebook will help you with both the formal and informal rules for taking days off in your workplace.Plan around workThe next step here is not to plan a vacation when a serious amount of work is about to affect your department. For example, if the company is planning on doing an internal audit of its processes and you happen to be Head of Operations. It would be a bad idea for you to disappear because you will be heavily needed during the audit.This will also cut down on you having to stay engaged with work while on vacation. Try to think of all co-workers and their needs and you not being there will impact the team. Even if someone can cover you, it is a good idea not to put others in that situation (especially if the person who covers for you REALLY screws up).Give plenty of warning/noticeWhen you have planned out some target dates, give your boss plenty of notice. Even though you have collected vacation days it does not mean you can leave work whenever you wan t.When you present your request for vacation time, try to avoid presenting it like a list of demands. Make some suggestions and see what the boss has to say, instead of simply saying, I am taking a vacation this week. The last thing you want to do is undermine your bosses authority.If you must keep a certain date for vacation time, such as attending a destination wedding, do everything in your power to find someone to cover you.Pick a good day to request vacationTry and gauge the kind of day your boss is going through before requesting a vacation. If he or she is having a bad day or coming off some uncomfortable meetings and calls, the last thing you want to do is walk in and say, I need this time off. See if you can wait until the boss is not having a stressful day. When you are asking your boss for something, you want him or her in a positive frame of mind.If you work in salesor some other role where you are facing a big deadline like the end of the quarter, or right before a prod uct launch, you should probably be strategic about the dates you pick for a vacation.Accept your fateThe best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Be prepared for the boss to say no to your request. Sometimes, work and life are so horribly out of whack that the perfect vacation conflicts with the perfect storm at work. If the boss says, No, suck it up and deal with it. You will be appreciated much more in the end.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Ba Resume at a Glance

Ba Resume at a Glance You may have a Kanban board. As a member, you will get business analyst job alerts sent straight to your inbox so that you can waste no time applying to the ones which youre fruchtwein interested in. A career for a business analyst can be very rewarding. Instead, the company analysts job is to make sure that the delivered solution is an actual answer for the organization and not simply something that the team wanted to build. Which leads to a job role that looks tailor-made for the company analyst. To me, the parte of a business analyst really comes down to some things. In the event the business is using SalesForce, theyd really like to get a candidate whos already acquainted with the program. By way of example, for my industry (management consulting), nobody would like to employ a management consultant who doesnt understand how to utilize PowerPoint. More than that, you will learn just what to do next to expand your organization analysis opportunities. So many businesses today need analysts, but the crucial thing is to find the right resume out there so that you can benefit from the jobs out there. There are a few professions like finance or healthcare where specific certifications or degrees are important to getting the job. For placement on your resume, consider where youre in your career and that which you need to emphasize. Even without prior history, its still true that you have the skills, education, and individual qualifications necessary to create a good case for why youd be a fantastic candidate. There might be a selection of jobs youre qualified for that can help you on your career path. The Bad Secret of Ba Resume Lots of people have never been officially known as a Business Analyst. Its possible to also seeA Recruiting Manager Resumes While applying for work in new company theres a need of an effective resume that may speak mora concerning the work performed by you. So again, huge effect on how folks work and a chance to reimagine the method by which the business processes can be dealt with the Lightning UI. A professional on-line presence makes it possible for you to demonstrate your skills with an on-line portfolio and your expertise with industry-related posts. Another facet of your fresher resume that has to be highlighted is your abilities and qualifications. A CV for a new Ph.D. graduate will probably be about 3-5 pages. Writing a successful resume isnt easy. While Canadian resumes are available in many unique formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about. Bear in mind that no one cares what you would like. Consult with the psychologist resume templates you encounter on the website to acquire a concept of what you want to include in your resume. For children and teens who might not own a lot on their resumes, they ought to incorporate any school or community theater productions theyve participated in, along with classes theyve taken. In the future, you will have a resume template library ready to fulfill any work application situation. If youre lacking a good deal of qualified experience then it is even more critical you compose a flawless education section. Then, talking about your secondary abilities and obligations over the principal ones is another mistake you have to be cautious of. The absolute most important consideration to keep in mind while you document your education is honesty. If education has become the most prominent portion of your experience, put it towards the top. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. So, you must make your complex responsibilities easy and simple to comprehend. So treasure your time if you receive a BA job. There are variety of examples and various forms of Free Resume Templates which can be found which may be downloaded free.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

This Is Why Skill Set Isnt Everything In The Hiring Game

This Is Why Skill Set Isnt Everything In The Hiring GameThere are only a few organizations that truly need to hire based on skill alone. The New York Yankees, for example. Major movie studios, definitely. Modeling agencies would be another one. Its tough to win a World Series, an Oscar or land a major ad campaign with someone who doesnt have the necessary set of skills to get there. But for nearly every other schriftart of business, a candidates skills are important, but theyre not the be all, end all. Especially when you consider the fact that, globally, 38 percent of employers had difficulty filling jobs last year due to a lack of technical competencies, according to ManPowerGroups 2015 Talent Shortage Survey. It may binnenseem counterintuitive to hear that a hiring manager or a recruiter shouldnt zero in on an applicants skill level as they look to fill a role. But there are a number of reasons why focusing on a persons skill set alone becomes dangerous. These includeYou can chang e a persons skills, but you cant change who they are.Its terrific if a new employee shows up on their first day of work fully equipped to do their job perfectly. However, its equally important that they mesh well with their new colleagues. If you hire for skill and dont weigh personality type or character, you could end up with the most technically talented new hire youve ever had, but also the one who creates the most zug in the arbeitszimmer. Its much easier to teach skills than it is to teach the ability to get along well with others. Consider both factors when making a hiring decision.Skilled talent may also have learned a few bad habits along the way.Companies within the same field can operate quite differently from one another. If you have an employee who was doing a job with Company X for years, they may come to Company Y with plenty of experience. However, they may have also picked up some habits at Company X that the managers at Company Y dont love. Because ansicht patterns are so ingrained in their daily work habits, it can be hard to retrain this employee and break them of these problematic patterns. Its easier to teach someone a skill when theyve got a clean slate.Technical abilities dont always translate to passion for the job.An employee might be great at what they do, but in no way does this mean that they love it. Those who lack a real passion for the job can end up causing the company (and the morale within that company) to suffer in the long-run. Youre better off hiring someone who could use some additional training, but is eager to learn as opposed to someone who naturally excels in the role, but couldnt care less about the work they do each day.Skills mean nothing if an employee doesnt have a passion for the job.Click To TweetOnce youve taken hiring for skills alone out of play, what else should you consider as you vet candidates for an open role within your or a clients business? These are key traits to look for in a potential new hireCus tomer service skillsRegardless of whether an employee is in a client-facing role on a day-to-day basis, hiring managers and recruiters want to know that the individual will conduct themselves appropriately should they end up interacting with clients. Each employee represents a business, so professionalism and courtesy are essential.The right personalityEmployers look for a few key personality traits when they search for their next team member, including professionalism, high energy levels, and confidence. People who come into the office each day fired up and ready to work inspire others around them to be the same way. Energy levels are contagious, for better or for worse, so you want someone in your office whos going to motivate other employees to get out there and make a difference. While exuberance matters, you dont want someone whos like a bull in a china shop. You need an employee who knows how to conduct themselves professionally in any situation. Whether theyre courting a new client or killing time with someone in accounting, they know whats OK to say and whats not. You also want this person to feel confident in various situations. They should trust their gut and feel equipped to represent their company.Attention to detailRegardless of position or department, careful attention to detail is a must. Employees who only focus on the big picture can end up inadvertently causing major mistakes to happen as they overlook details that become significant in the long-run. From typos to decimals that could drastically change the outcome of a profit and loss statement, you want someone who makes it a point to check and double check their work.Gets along with many different personality typesIf youve worked in an office for long enough, you know that youll find a diverse blend of personality types who all have to coexist and share the same cafeteria. You have introverts and extroverts. You have those who love group brainstorming sessions and those who would love to be left alone with their thoughts. A new addition to your team should be able to do business peacefully with these varying personalities. No need to be best friends with everyone, but treating all colleagues in a civilized manner is essential.A passion for what they doIf an employee doesnt believe in the companys mission, eventually theyre going to experience burnout. Recruit people who truly love the work they do and believe in the reason theyre doing it. Employees who come in simply to collect a paycheck will quickly reveal themselves and will struggle to properly pull their weight.Willingness to put in the workIts rare to find a job thats always 9-5 anymore. There will be days or weeks when staff members are required to log extra hours. While they may not love missing time with their friends or family, the right people for the job understand they have to do whats necessary to get the work done. Seek out employees who are more focused on completing the project properly than they are on watching the clock and leaving at 501 p.m. on the dot.Wants to improveIt doesnt matter how long youve been doing a job or how many degrees youve obtained, theres always room to get better. When an employee decides they know everything there is to know about their field, they start to plateau. As a result, their value within the company decreases. Seek out someone who constantly wants to improve their knowledge and skills. Someone who wants to attend conferences and workshops. Someone who reads trade magazines and blogs pertaining to the field. These are the employees who will continue to stay relevant, even as their field evolves.Values the team mentalityAsk nearly any employee in America and youll probably hear that they regularly handle tasks that wouldnt anliegen under their assigned job description. When a staff member cares about the business, they tackle these tasks to ensure that the company continues to flourish. When hiring, look for an employee whos focused on the team as a whole, rather than someone who obsesses over what is or isnt their job.Handles feedback wellNo one loves to hear criticism, but from time to time, its necessary. Even if your employee is wonderfully talented at their job, there will come a day when they make a mistake that warrants correcting. Make sure the person you hire is someone who is responsive and receptive to this feedback.Employees who blow up, storm out of the office, or melt down become disruptive to the business as a whole. Managers become hesitant to have a discussion with them, which means the mistakes that need correcting are allowed to continue. This can lead to a whole host of other issues. When feedback is received and acted upon, problems are squashed before theyre allowed to develop further.Has the ability to multitaskTodays working world is fast paced. You might be typing away on an assignment one minute, only to get called into a meeting the next. Find someone who can easily adapt to an ever-changing off ice environment without getting flustered. Multi-taskingmatters, as does the ability to stay focused and keep priorities in line, even as situations change around you at work.Can make decisionsEven if theyre not in a management role, its useful to have an employee who is comfortable making decisions. Inevitably at some point, they will find themselves in a situation where they have to make choices that will impact the company (What vendor should you use? What time should the event start?), and you dont want someone who teeters back and forth, unable to trust their own ability to pick an option.Seeks to innovateSometimes companies stall out because they continue to operate just as they always have. Its not because this way is the most effective way, but rather because its the most comfortable. Find employees who are willing to innovate and think creatively. They bring fresh blood and new ideas to the office, and help identify outdated or unproductive patterns that are slowing the com pany down.Takes responsibility for mistakesFessing up to a major work blunder is tough, even for well-respected members of a team. But doing so is important in order to keep the company operating smoothly. If an idea falls flat or a customer isnt happy, the people responsible for the issue need to be OK with stepping forward and making it right. Passing the blame around can cause tension within an office, plus it makes the business look unprofessional to its customers.Look for inherent skills like creativity, decisiveness, and being personable when hiring.Click To TweetHiring managers are often in a tricky position. Even when they know what kind of employee they should be looking for, beyond just the hard skills and the flashy resume, it can be tough to strike a balance. How do you make sure youre getting the right type of person who also has the right type of experience? There are a few waysMake the interview more hands onIts easy for someone to fake their way through a series of s tandard interview questions. To really get a sense of what the candidate is all about, try shaking up your interview process. If you want to verify that they have the necessary technical skills, have them create a sample project. Write a script. Build a model. Do a mock-up of a logo. Rather than talking about the work they would do if they came and joined your team, youll get to see it in action. This gives you a better idea of whether their actual abilities back up their interview answers.Let them interact with your teamBecause company culture and employee morale are so important, youll want to get a sense of how this person would mesh with your more veteran employees. Instead of hypothesizing and asking theoretical questions, give them a chance to meet everyone briefly. Any immediately negative interactions should be a red flag that perhaps this hire isnt a good fit for the business.See a persons potentialAnalyzing a resume is important, but you should also keep in mind that who a n individual is right now isnt always indicative of what they could be. If they were given career development opportunities, for example, they might obtain the skills necessary to become more technically sound. Take musiknote of where a potential hire is currently at in their career, but dont pigeonhole them. Professional growth is always possible in the right situation.Analyzing potential hires based on technical skill is important in order to ensure that a new team member is able to effectively pull their weight at work. However, dont underestimate the importance of getting the right personality type in the position either. Finding a charismatic, enthusiastic individual whos ready to learn and has the potential to develop professionally can have a huge positive impact on your office.What are some other things to consider in a new hire, other than skill? Let us know in the comments below.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Things You Must Do to Convey Your Personal Brand

5 Things You Must Do to Convey Yur Personal Brand5 Things You Must Do to Convey Your Personal Brand16No matter how you magically attract the hiring manager to you, the challenge is to quickly and powerfully distinguish yourself. YOU need to stand out and be memorable.5 Things You Must Do to Convey Your Personal Brand1. Use the Right AmountYou want to think about your personal brand like the seasoning to a meal. The seasoning is the thing that transforms an entre from plain to Italian or Greek. As with seasonings, you cant be heavy handed. You dont pile on an herb without dire consequences nor do you add such a small pinch that you have accomplished nothing. Look for opportunities to inject a word or phrase throughout your job search tools.2. Repetition ReinforcesWith items like your resume and LinkedIn profile, you want to add words and phrases in multiple forms and several places to reflect your personal brand. Repetition is how we learn and the reader of your information is essenti ally learning about you.3. Word Usage and CreativityRepetition will help you convey your personal branding concepts, but be cautious to not overuse any single word or phrase. This becomes redundant and boring for the reader, who will quickly lose interest and move on. For example, lets say you want to convey that you are dynamic. Dynamic is the sort of word that isnt overused in general but is unique enough that its easily remembered. If you repeat that word a few times in your resume, the reader will start losing focus and quickly dump your resume. If you check the dictionary, youll find the following words associated with Dynamic vigorous, energetic, aggressive, assertive, and forceful. Any or all of those words could be used to help reinforce the idea that you are a dynamic person. You can use different words to keep it interesting to read and still portray your personal branding idea.If you are working to strongly brand your job search materials, find a list of over-used and mea ningless words so you can avoid the use of those words.4. Consistency Everywhere, All the TimeAlthough your resume and LinkedIn profile are the main things you need to stamp with your personal brand, you have other things you need to pay attention to in this process. Everything that represents you must be consistent and in alignment with the picture you are portraying. You never know what someone will look at to make a quick assessment about you. Here are some of the additional things you need to pay attention to for portraying your personal brandingBusiness cardsAll social mediaYour elevator speechThe items on this list dont have enough space to allow you to portray much more than one personal branding idea. Thats okay because you have to remember that the people who dont know you will still learn a few things about your personal brand from one sentence.5. Your Job InterviewWe dont always think about our job interview as a place to reinforce our personal brand, but what you say abo ut yourself speaks volumes. No one can guess what you bring to the party- you have to fold in your personal branding as you respond to various questions. The interview is more than just your qualifications its about you as a person and future coworker.If you repeat your personal branding concepts across all of the various platforms you use and are consistent with everything a hiring manager reviews, you will be more than a piece of paper or a job title. You will be a person they want working for them.Readers, how do you convey your personal brand during your job search? Share your tips with us belowPersonal branding starts with how well you speak about YOU. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech. In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a wardrobe of ways to talk about you- to leave a lasting impression.Brought to you by Dorothy Ta nnahill-Moran- dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 lessons about work-life balance you need to know today

5 lessons about work-life balance you need to know today5 lessons about work-life balance you need to know todayAre you the corporate warrior?Its easy to get into a routine nowadays, isnt it? Working hurs are raising each year and peak at mora than 55 per week in the US. In Europe, the situation is similar and stress at work increased by 30% in the past decade according to psychologists. If one cant achieve the so-called work-life balance, periods of frustration, self-doubt, and failure are ahead.The times of 9-to-5 are long gone. Our parents and grandparents dont understand why we spend so much time at work and answer emails during the family dinner. For their generations, 5 oclock meant its my time now, no more work Those times are long gone and the aufgabe is becoming bigger. The advance in technology is the main factor that brought the concerns about the quality of work and its relation to personal life to the table. The good thing is that the world realizes it and companies try to implement work-life balance into their culture by providing a number of perks.Is your company framing the truth about offering work-life balance?Work-life balance means different things to different people. Stop and think The definition of work-life balance is ________. Fill the blank with how youd describe it before you move on with reading. Now let me tell you a story. See if you can relate to it.A friend of mine who lives in Germany recently joined a huge pharmaceutical company. After her first week at work, we had a long Skype call so she could tell me everything about it.She said that the office is brand new and there is everything I can possibly imagine. They have a gym. They have a kitchen where the chefs prepare more than 7 dishes every day, 3 types of salads and some healthy snacks for a few bucks. She now doesnt have to cook because the food is cheap and shes been buying it for home.Then she continued talking about the bathrooms. She explained there is everything you ne ed showers, freshly washed towels, shampoos, body lotions and all is neat and perfectly clean. Oh, and the best thing is the kinder-garden Theyve been thinking about a baby with her husband, and now it might be the perfect moment, right?I was very happy for her and deep inside even a bit jealous. zu sich life and work seemed perfectly balanced now. She can work out before work, have a shower there, eat cooked food without having to cook. Wouldnt you want to work in such a company?Nowadays, many corporations do the same. They provide benefits that excite us from the very beginning. But what if the whole idea is for you to stay at work longer? You can eat healthily, your child is taken care of and you can even take a showerThe commercial corporations are inherently designed to get as much out of you as they can. Its in their DNA, even the well-intentioned companies Brent BarootesAfter her first three months at the company, I talked to my friend again. She mentioned the company intro duced yet another benefit they can now leave their pets at the office Shes been staying at work longer now.Personally, I dont want to become an office rat Even though I work for a company that promotes work-life harmony, I decided to address the issue of finding true work-life balance. After reading dozens of articles and reports, I outlined 5 steps we all need to follow in order to secure work-life balance. What I found out might surprise you1. Check how much time you really spend workingOn the one hand, we all enjoy the benefits employers provide us with. On the other hand, it becomes a nightmare, as we spend even more time at the office, which leads to spending less time doing what we enjoy with the ones we love.Take life into your own hands. Of course, enjoy the perks your job offers, but draw the line in the sand at some point.What you need to do? To get the ball rolling, take a piece of paper and write down the answer to the followinga) How does your average day look? Calcula te your time and outline how and where you spend it.b) How would you love your day to look like? Outline the categories of your life you want to be better at.c) melange the two and create a strategy. What do you need to do in order to feel fulfilled in each of your life categories?Be realistic and approach this task in a balanced way. Remember that you will always have to compromise and make choices on a daily basis. What are the priorities in your life right now? Whatever it is, commit to it. Find your rhythm. Also, be flexible. As life goes on, your plans will change depending on the needs of your family and work.Find out more advice from CEOs about committing here and here.2. Forget about balance. Its all about harmony. SurpriseSince a young age, we strive for progress. We want to get into our dream university, which means staying up late studying. Then, in the first years of our career, we continue staying up till late and working harder than others in order to outperform them. As life goes on, we try to gain more and more and achieve success.Nowadays, too many people work long hours at the jobs they hate, to enable them to buy things they dont need, to impress people they dont like. Nigel MarshAt this point of your life, you probably know that the way to success is difficult. On top of everything, you have the caring wife, husband, mom who keeps telling you you need some rest, you need to see us more. This only adds to the stress. Now you dont only think about how much work you have to do, but you try to find ways of achieving the balance. The mental battle of how much time youre devoting to a particular area in your life expands.Heres the deal. Work-life balance is impossible. What you should try is to switch from trying to achieve work-life balance and focus on creating work-life harmony. Integrate your work into your life. Stop thinking of work and life as separated things and think about them as one.Related articlesPros and Cons of working in a start upWhat should a cover letter include in 2018?How I decide when to leave or stay in a jobWhat do you need to do? Viva technology Smartphones, tablets, IPads, emails, live chats. As much as technology could stress us out, it is a great tool to help us achieve work-life harmony. While youre at the gym, you can answer a few emails, you can write a blog post, you can read a book, etc. You can do all that while traveling to work on public transport or while on holiday with your family. Be creative and innovative in finding ways to accomplish your tasks while doing other things in your life.If you need an evening with zero distractions, leave your phone in the car after coming home. Dont feel obliged to be always on. Also, stay in the moment. When at work, dont lament about the fact that you missed a family gathering the night before. While playing with your kid, dont think about the amount of work that awaits you tomorrow. Stay in the moment.These 8 Ted Talks will change the way you think about work-life harmony forever.3. Start livingNOWHumans are funny creatures. We have the ability to focus so much on the future while forgetting to live in the present. If youre shaking your head left to right, be honest with yourself. Has there been a time in your life when you thought I cant wait to get out of school and get the job so I can take care of myself and do what I love?Then when you have THAT job, it becomes your life. You tell yourself, Ill have a life when I finish this big project. Ill have a life after my kids grow up and leave home. Ill have a life after I retire. You need to wake up now and save yourself from falling into this trap.What do you need to do? Start living the life you dream of and dont let your employer drive your daily schedule. Design your life and start with the little things. The change towards a happier life can be as simple as finishing work an hour earlier and taking your kid/partner to dinner.Dont wait for a perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect. Jocelyn ShafferFind best tips and tricks on work-life harmony from Richard Branson here.4. Be smart when choosing your employerRemember my friends story from the beginning? Many corporations that seem to enable work-life harmony are actually misleading. When choosing your future employer, focus on other things.Instead of a child-care facility, do they offer a half day off every month to spend with your kids? Instead of having a gym in the company building, do they offer a membership card in a gym outside of work? Are the employees being stimulated to develop their full potential? These are not monetary benefits, but they are instilling freedom into your work life.How do we do it at ? I dont like bragging. But I have to tell you what work-life harmony looks like here at . We have breakfast together every Monday at the office. While we eat, each team presents past weeks achievements and the upcoming weeks plan. We go to Ving Tsun classes together. While traveling there, we have casual one-on-ones in the car.We travel together and do retrospection and quarterly planning. The last time it was Venice in Italy.Check out other activities that promote work-life harmony at here.5. Keep going, even if it seems impossibleIf you stand in front of a high mountain, it seems difficult to climb it at first. Once you start walking up, though, the challenge suddenly becomes much easier. Events or situations dont trouble you, how you look at them does. 90% of our long-term happiness is predicted by the way our brains process reality. If you are at the very beginning of your journey to a happier life, keep that in mind.People who study work-life harmony for years, still struggle to keep it. It takes time, but its possible. As the COO at Facebook Sheryl Sandberg says, you can never have it all at once, but you can bring the element of your personal and professional life into close alignment to achieve as much harmony as possible.What do you need to do? The r ule number one here is to take it easy. Start with a small list of things youd like to improve in your life. Start changing your habits one by one as doing everything at once will be chaotic.Also, dont wait until tomorrow, next week, after the big projects done. Start today. Whether it is by leaving work one hour early or finally stop trying to please everyone and loosen up. Remember that its the little things that matter the most.If youd like to read about other executives and the ways they manage work-life harmony, have a look here.Back to youWas any of these lessons about the so-called work-life balance surprising to you? Id love to hear your feedback or observations in the comments below.Hit the share button if you think your friends and family should see it too.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Publishing House Editor Jobs

Publishing House Editor JobsPublishing House Editor JobsIf youre looking for a job in book publishing, or if youre an author who would like to know more about the roles of the various editors, here are the most typical vorwort jobs within a publishing house. The Publishers Job In its most idealized form, the job of a book publisher is to be both the editorial visionary and the geschftsleben head of a publishing house or imprint. In trade publishing, the publisher sets the broad tone for the type of books the house publishes. The rest of the editorial staff reports acquisitions up through the ranks at the eventual discretion of the publisher. The vorwort Director / Editor-in-Chiefs Job Reporting to the publisher, the editorial director of a publishing house or imprint is usually the person in charge of directing the day-to-day efforts of the editors. He might also have his own list of books to edit, but it will likely be a small one, owing to the managerial responsibilities of his role. The Book Editors Job A book editors job is to take a book proposal from acquisition through to the finished work and beyond. While its widely assumed that the editors main duty is to line-edit the manuscript, the job, in fact, encompasses a number of different facets, all critical to the success of the finished book. It falls under the editors job to Acquire the book from a literary agent.This means reading proposals and their manuscripts or sample chapters and assessing the kompetenz novel or non-fiction books appeal to the marketplace. It necessarily means writing a lot of rejection letters. If a book project passes her muster, the editor then acts as its advocate to a larger acquisitions committee. If the editor gets the high sign to acquire a book, he or she will then have the task of negotiating the authors contract with the agent. In much rarer instances, an editor may acquire an un-agented manuscript. Make sure the author stays on track with the manuscript.The editor works with the author to ensure the manuscript that comes in lives up to the books promises that is, type of content, quality of information, and good writing. This means the editor will check in with the author while the manuscript is being written, to assess progress. If there are warning signs that the manuscript will be late, the editor keeps the managing editorial department- and her bosses- apprised of the schedule.Edit the manuscript.Between the time a book manuscript is due and the time it goes into production, there a number of editorial stagesthrough which the manuscript needs to pass. Be an advocate for the book to the marketing department, the publicity department, and the sales department.Its part of the book editors job to ensure the marketing, publicity, and salespeople are fully apprised of the individual books value and potential in the marketplace. Depending on the house, editors may be required to write tip sheets for the sales department or catalog copy fo r marketing. The editor will likely work very closely with publicity to ensure that the book and authors respective potentials are fully exploited to the media. The Editorial Assistants Job Editorial assistant jobs are the entry-level editorial jobs in book publishing, and share many aspects of administrative assistant jobs in any industry. An editorial assistant traditionally desires an apprenticeships path to becoming a full-fledged editor. The editorial assistant helps the editor with the labor- and communication-intensive editorial tasks, such as reams of editorial correspondence (including sending all those rejection letters), keeping track of schedules, etc. The editorial assistant also acts as a gatekeeper for the editor, helping to manage the barrage of incoming phone calls and emails. If he is effective, efficient and proactive, the editorial assistant may be allowed to help assess the merits of incoming manuscripts and perhaps work on projects of his own, under the a uspices of the editor. The Developmental Editors Job For most trade publishing houses, the development of a manuscript is handled by the acquiring editor herself. At textbook publishers, a developmental editor is sometimes engaged to work with the author to help shape the books content, ensuring that the information flows in properly, in a logical progression for a class syllabus. Other Editor Jobs Assistant editor, associate editor, editor, senior editor, executive editor are all iterations of the book editors job, with increasing levels of responsibility, often based on the success of previous projects. With each bump in title, an editor gets more freedom to acquire more expensive book projects or projects to her taste. Despite their editorial titles, the managing editor and the copy editors fall under the auspices of the production department, not the editorial department.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Creating Energy with Every Step You Take

Creating Energy with Every Step You Take Creating Energy with Every Step You Take Creating Energy with Every Step You Take Years ago, while at Loughborough University, in Loughborough, UK, Laurence Kemball-Cook was looking for ways to generate power and energy in open spaces away from the grid. The solution he came up with revolved around the very steps we take. [I thought of] the energy from peoples footsteps in a busy train station and what if you used the energy from every single step? says Kemball-Cook, now the CEO of London-based Pavegen Systems. He built the first prototype of the energy-harvesting tile that would become the heart of his business in just 14 hours in the lab. Over the years, however, he believes he created as many as 600 prototypes to perfect the technology. A large-scale outdoor installation in Washington, D.C. is one of the companys 150 projects around the world. Image: Pavegen With wood and small mechanical devices, I demonstrated what was possible, that when you stood on tile it could generate energy, he says. In the end, it came down to looking at a number of different ways of generating energy. Piezo wouldnt do it because the voltage is high but the current is absolutely tiny. Even if youre talking about a billion footsteps, piezo electricity would not be viable as an energy source. Other ways are down to electromechanical harvesters. A magnet going on a coil was a popular way and was cost effective. More for You: Read about the latest in Power and Energy The first iteration of the technology was fairly basic. We didnt use self-enameled wire so they actually had to make a mold that would set the wire in resin and in production it had massively high costs, says Kemball-Cook, whose bachelors degree was in industrial design and technology. It just wasnt an efficient production process. According to Kemball-Cook, in its present state, the pavement technology works this way: Every time you walk on the tile, the downward force of your footsteps is converted into rotational energy, which is then stored within a flywheel, which acts as a temporary storage device and filter. The flywheel, set two to three inches deep in the tile, rotates up to five seconds and every time it rotates, a series of magnets and copper coils pass over it. One linear meter of Pavegen in a certain environment could generate ten kilowatt hours of energy per year, per linear meter and obviously, you could scale up or scale down, he says. Eventually, the technology when its scaled up could save a municipality money. But we dont anticipate that for some years. The other value to the company is the data collected from a tile. You can use the energy from people and get a footfall understanding throughout the day, he says. Is it busy in the morning or through the day? It can [also] help with areas like traffic management, making sure streets are cleaned appropriately based on footfall. Pavegen has had many clients, including Google and Cisco, and has delivered their tiles to businesses on multiple continents. Some of their tiles have even made their way to Dupont Circle in Washington,D.C.he says. And, according to Kemball-Cook, there are even more steps to come, so stay tuned. Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further Discussion [I thought of] the energy from peoples footsteps in a busy train station and what if you used the energy from every single step?Laurence Kemball-Cook, CEO, Pavegen Systems, Ltd.

Monday, November 18, 2019

These are the 25 Fortune 500 companies that offer the most remote-friendly jobs

These are the 25 Fortune 500 companies that offer the most remote-friendly jobs These are the 25 Fortune 500 companies that offer the most remote-friendly jobs Working remotely is becoming the norm. There has been a  115% percent increase in telecommuting  between 2005-2015 and the percentage of workers doing all or at least some of their work remotely has increased from 19% in 2003 to 24% in 2015,  according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Even though working remotely is very common, it doesn’t seem  synonymous  with Fortune 500 companies. After all, these are the companies that represent two-thirds of the U.S. GDP with $12 trillion in revenues, $890 billion in profits, $19 trillion in market value, and employ 28.2 million people worldwide. However, FlexJobs took a look at the recently released list of  Fortune 500 companies  and  cross-referenced them with their  100 Top Companies with Remote Jobs  list to identify which Fortune  500 companies are also remote-friendly.They found that these 25 of the companies are very supportive of employees working remotely (in certain positions.) A number of these companies have open positions on L adders. Check them out below.  25 Fortune 500 companies with remote jobs Dell Amazon UnitedHealth Group Verizon IBM Leidos Humana Aetna Kelly Services American Express First Data Oracle Anthem, Inc. ADP Apple McKesson Corporation Thermo Fisher Scientific Cigna General Electric â€" GE HD Supply Wells Fargo Symantec The Hartford CVS Health Erie Insurance Group

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Top Five Recruiter Lies (and How to Avoid Them)

Top Five Recruiter Lies (and How to Avoid Them) Top Five Recruiter Lies (and How to Avoid Them) Top Five Recruiter Lies (and How to Avoid Them) Charney, Social Media Engagement Manager Last year, we took a look at the top lies candidates tell recruiters, warning employers of common tactics used by job seekers to embellish their resumes. With the hiring market showing signs of life and the war for talent heating up, it was time to turn the tables for an honest look at the top lies recruiters tell candidates. Obviously, these statements are often true and crucially important when communicating with candidates. Most recruiters are honest and upfront with job seekers.Largely caring and committed, recruiters really care about every candidate. The bad news is that many of the most common put offs, while usually well-intentioned and largely innocuous, are as integrated with the recruiting process as applicant tracking systems. The good news? Avoiding these worst practices instantly translates into observing best practices, an improved candidate experience and an easy win for your employment brand. Here are 5 lies thatrecruiters oftentell candidates: 1.When a recruiter says: Ill keep you in mind for future opportunities. It might really mean:Your resume will sit in our database untouched until you apply for something else. If youre not right for any of my open reqs, any memory of you ends the moment I hang up this phone. Best Practice: Tell candidates up front whether you feel there will be other possibilities for them down the line. Offer them an explanation into your rationale. Provide suggestions for relevant training or experience to increase their chance of landing a future role. 2.When a recruiter says: Salary depends on experience; theres no real set amount. It might really mean: I already have a figure with almost no margin for negotiation. So your expectations are really the sole determinant as to whether this conversation continues or if Ill keep you in mind for future opportunities. (see above.) Best practice: An important element of every basic phone screen involves learning about a candidates motivations in seeking a new opportunity; often, salary issues top this list. While its not appropriate to require a candidate to disclose their current compensation or targeted salary during an exploratory screen, its crucial to address this directly if the candidate discloses an increase in pay as a primary driver or as non-negotiable. If youre screening for a specific position and know the range, tell the candidate if the numbers match. Disclose an even slight variance; the candidate, not the recruiter, should determine whether or not theres a willingness to negotiate for this job. Having this conversation up front can avoid complications later. 3.When a recruiter says: Youll hear from us either way. It might really mean: Well send you a templated rejection letter from a blind e-mail adddress, if youre lucky, leaving the candidate to wonder if theyre still in contention. Best Practice: Most applicant tracking systems send an automatic confirmation via e-mail to applicants; many of these same systems will also send an email to let candidates know when a requisition closes and they are no longer in contention. Monster, for instance, integrates these capabilities directly into individual job postings, ensuring this important candidate touch point can be managed without extra work. When closing a position on Monster, employers can confirm that an e-mail will be sent to candidates who are no longer under consideration. While your company probably has specific legal and HR approved language that must be included in notification letters, provides a best practices framework that can easily be adjusted to meet the needs of individual employers. Adding your name or a personalized message can help make a little effort go a long way. Its as easy as pressing send. For candidates contacted for a phone screen, its a best practice to let them know directly if theyre not selected. If they took the time to follow up and answer questions, common courtesy suggests you should do the same. Its OK to turn a job seeker down professionally; not informing a candidate about it is not. 4.When a recruiter says: Were interested, but were still looking at other candidates. It might really mean: An offers been extended to someone else, and were really hoping theyll accept so we dont have to go to Plan B: you. Best practice: Be upfront about where the search stands. If there are some outstanding questions or concerns surrounding a candidate, let them know; theres a good chance theyll be able to provide information to inform a pending decision.If the hiring managers delaying making an offer for reasons that have nothing to do with the candidate, make sure they know exactly what those are and the timeframe. If you dont know this information, let the candidate know the next time youll speak with the hiring manager and follow up with both.Status quo is almost always better than no status at all. 5.When a recruiter says: I was passed your name by a mutual contact who asked to remain confidential It might really mean:I found your information online. Best practice: This line remains incredibly common when engaging candidates for the first time. While candidates show increased willingness to speak with someone based off a referral, its important to let a candidate know how you developed the information to contact them. This ensures active job seekers know whats effective while passive candidates stay informed about the visibility of information. It also leads to better sourcing in hiring reports which is often self-reported by candidates. This information helps recruiters and employers know which resources are most effective to make more informed decisions when establishing and executing search strategies.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Ask for a Job Recommendation

How to Ask for a Job Recommendation How to Ask for a Job Recommendation When you are job searching, being able to provide solid employment recommendations is always important. Asking the right people in the most effective way for a reference can greatly impact the ultimate quality of your recommendations, and help you get hired. Be Selective About Who You Ask for a Recommendation The most important step is to make sure that you  choose enthusiastic supporters  as reference givers. Not just any colleague or friend will do. In fact, a common mistake is subtly pressuring reluctant writers. Trying to convince someone who is not comfortable writing a job recommendation for you can be a mistake when you’re furnishing confidential references. You really won’t know exactly what they’re saying or writing about you and your qualifications for the job. However, badgering someone who is hesitant to help you out can also backfire when you get to see the recommendation they’re writing, even when it appears to be positive. That sounds strange, because you’d think that any positive recommendation would be good. But here’s why that’s not true â€" employers will often  follow up with your references. The employer may ask probing questions during a conversation that could reveal damaging information from the reference givers who may have doubts about your qualifications but didnt want to mention them in writing. So, the best strategy is to give your prospective reference writers an out. Let them know that you’re looking to assemble a strong set of recommendations and ask if they are comfortable supplying a highly positive reference. If they are, then great, but if not, let them go with a simple, “thanks anyway.” Use Email to Request a Recommendation When asking someone to recommend you, send them an email request. This way reluctant writers can carefully choose the wording for their response and dont have to look you in the eye in order to decline. You might ask, Do you know me in a way that would allow you to write a really positive recommendation? With your initial request, you should also mention that you’ll provide some additional background information to help should they choose to write for you. Not sure what exactly to write? Here are sample email letters and messages  asking for a recommendation. What Type of Information to Provide to Your References When a prospective reference writer confirms an interest in acting as a reference for you, it’s important that you provide them with as much information as possible. Don’t leave the writer floundering and trying to figure out the job you’re applying for or why exactly you’d be so good at it. Here’s a look at some of the type of information that might be helpful for your recommendation writer to have: 1.  A copy of your resume. This  will provide the person giving you the recommendation a comprehensive summary of your background. Even someone who knows you well will benefit from being able to review your resume. 2.  A copy of your cover letter. If the person is writing the recommendation for a specific job, this is crucial information. Your cover letter will show the recommendation writer how you’re framing your case, and might spur him or her to build upon some of the themes you’ve presented. 3. The address of your LinkedIn profile. This is especially important if you’ve included some highly laudatory recommendations and skill endorsements on your profile. Your recommender may be even more comfortable praising you after seeing these positive comments. 4.  A detailed summary of the job duties and accomplishments. Of course, you want to focus on the responsibilities  and accomplishments that relate to your work. This information can help your recommendation writer to be more specific and convincing when he or she writes for you. This will be especially useful if some time has passed since you worked together. 5.  A copy of the job advertisement. The more information the writer has the better. Giving him or her a copy of the job posting and description can help him or her see what the employer is expecting from the prospective employee. That way he or she can tailor the reference to the specific position. 6.  A  copy of your personal statement. This isn’t so much for a job recommendation, but it may be important and helpful if you’re applying for graduate school. If youve written a thesis statement for your job search, share that as well.

Friday, November 15, 2019

5 Last Things to Consider Before Accepting an Offer

5 Last Things to Consider Before Accepting an Offer 5 Last Things to Consider Before Accepting an Offer You spent days mulling over your resume, weeks waiting for a response, and long, silent pauses mentally articulating each interview answer- all before enduring another seemingly endless wait to hear back about the potential position. But the minute you receive an offer, everything is full speed ahead. Once your potential employer wants you to put a signature on that line, things start moving fast. And why would you hesitate? This is the moment you’ve been working and waiting for- you’ve finally landed an awesome job. For the most part, you’re probably ready to make a decision. By now, you’ve likely talked to your future boss, gauged the office culture, and asked about your responsibilities and how your success will be measured. What’s left? Well, accepting a new job is a big decision- and you don’t want to find yourself regretting your decision just a few months down the road. So, before you pounce on that new role, slow down and consider these last few factors to make sure you’re 100% confident in your decision. 1. Is There Anything Else You Want to Negotiate? If you’re ready to sign on the dotted line, you’ve probably already negotiated your salary (and if you haven’t, what’s stopping you?). But don’t forget that, depending on your situation, you may be able to adjust your offer in other ways. For example, maybe you just received an offer at a startup that’s just getting off the ground- and the base salary is just so-so. Before you make a decision either way, think about other factors that could tip the scales, like flexible work hours or profit sharing once the company hits a specified benchmark. There are also possibilities in the corporate world- like relocation assistance or the option to occasionally work remotely. Either way, if you’re hesitating because of your compensation, make sure to consider all of your options. 2. Is There Anything About Your Compensation Package That You Don’t Understand? When I was first offered a startup job, the compensation package stated that it included profit sharing, but didn’t specify what that meant, when it would start, or how it would get paid. (And because of that, I never actually saw a percentage of those profits.) It was also part of a confusing list of benefits that were each given a cash value and added to the total proposed salary at the bottom of the page- including bi-weekly apartment cleanings ($4,000 value) and a business cell phone ($1,000 value). They were presented as dollar amounts added into my salary (which made it appear enticing), but in reality, they wouldn’t actually show up in my paycheck. In the excitement of getting a job offer, it’s tempting to gloss over these slightly confusing details, assuming that you’ll figure everything out later on down the road. But when it’s not spelled out in solid terms- or you don’t understand it completely- it can work against you when your expectations aren’t met. 3. Do the Benefits Fit Your Needs? If you haven’t seen the details of the company’s benefits package, ask for more information. I’ve experienced both sides of this- for one job, I was given an entire packet of information, detailing exactly what was covered, co-pays, deductibles, and so on. For another job, I didn’t receive any benefits information until after I’d already signed the offer letter. But by asking for the information beforehand, you can make sure you get what you need, whether that means full coverage for your spouse or children or enough notice for you to purchase your own independent health insurance plan. (And it can help you realize if you won’t be getting what you need- like health coverage or retirement.) 4. Are You Ready for That Commute? For my first job out of college, I had a 30-minute commute, which I didn’t think was too bad for a city like Atlanta. Unfortunately, I’d gauged the half-hour commute on a weekend, when I had my interview. When I started making the trip during regular work hours, it easily turned into more (sometimes way more) than an hour. It was terrible- and it ended up playing a big role in my decision to move on from that job. Before you make your final decision, evaluate how it will affect your daily routine. For some, an hour commute may be worth it for that dream job or to live on a big piece of land out in the country. For others, that trip will drive you crazy- and eventually erode your job satisfaction. 5. Is the Timing Right? It may be a small detail, but make sure to consider when, should you make that decision, you’ll begin your new job. Your future employer is probably eager to get you on board as soon as possible- but is it possible for you? When I started my current job, I wanted to put in my two weeks’ notice and start the new gig as quickly as possible in order to make the best first impression. (I was also fully convinced that asking for a start date more than two weeks out would result in the company revoking the offer.) What I didn’t take into consideration was that my new job required me to move across the state. So, while I was finishing out a job in one city, I was remotely searching for apartments in a city two hours away- and when I found one, my lease didn’t allow me to move into it until a week after I was slated to start my new job. If I’d thought ahead, I would have given myself another week to make the move without feeling rushed The point is, figure out what is truly realistic for you, and don’t be afraid to ask for it. (It makes a big difference!) By now, you should have all the information you need to make a well-informed decision. Maybe, after addressing all your concerns with the hiring manager or HR, this job just doesn’t feel right. Or maybe everything checks out, and you can’t wait to get started. Either way, don’t be afraid to trust your gut (and your carefully collected information, of course). Photo of person signing courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Develop your Talent Brand and Win the War for Talent

Develop your Talent Brand and Win the War for Talent Develop your Talent Brand and Win the War for Talent Develop your Talent Brand and Win the War for Talent Excerpted from the eBook: The Digital Transformation of Recruitment by Charlene Li, Founder of Altimeter Group and author of Open Leadership. Chances are, when you hear the phrase “social recruiting,” you still think of using a blog or LinkedIn to identify and largely active candidates, or using Twitter and Facebook to push out a new job listing to your existing followers. All too often, social recruiting hasn’t been social at all - it has simply meant broadcasting the same jobs, just this time via social channels. Rather than revolutionizing the process, it’s often more of an update to the established ways of recruiting. What a shame, and what a missed opportunity! If you are going to use social platforms, then use them to find, reach and most importantly also engage your entire audience - including those who are not in the market for a new job. It isn’t enough to simply find and target a “passive” candidate who isn’t looking because he or she is happily employed. Glen Cathey, the SVP of talent and innovation at staffing firm  Kforce puts it bluntly: Someone like a software engineer who is happy in his or her  job won’t respond to outreach efforts, because that person gets  20 messages a day. How do I become the one out of 50 recruiters this person will respond to? Rock stars won’t pay attention to you. To be a modern recruiting organization, you have to be willing to go through a digital transformation - and rethink the entire recruitment process through the lens of candidate experiences and employee relationships. In the “old” days, recruiters were resigned to the fact that a minority of employable candidates was actually looking for jobs.  Those “active” candidates were your best - and, in most cases, only - prospects. But today, social networking creates transparency: It’s clear who works where and what they do. So recruiting is no longer episodic; rather, it’s continuous. Everyone is simply a candidate at a different point in the journey. Just as marketers look at everyone as a potential customer, recruiters should assume every friend, customer, and supplier today could be a candidate tomorrow. There are three best practices that recruiters can take from marketing to win the war for talent 1.      Embrace the candidate journey 2.      Create personas to understand unique needs 3.      Identify experiences to engage candidates Brand marketers think about how they will develop relationships with people over  time - not only when a specific need surfaces. Recruiters must take on this new mindset. This means listening, sharing, and engaging, all the time, in real time. “We can’t wait for the best talent to come to us,” notes Heather Polivka, the senior director of global employer branding and marketing at UnitedHealth Group. “We have to engage with them the way they live and breathe. People are consumers every day, so consumer marketing best practices need to be leveraged.” Mark Stoever, the COO of Worldwide, the parent company of Monster, adds: “We’ve turned our gaze to the changing nature of hiring â€"  getting hired or finding the right hire - in today’s socially-driven environment. Never before has so much emphasis needed  to be placed on personal engagement.” As the first generation in the workforce to have used the Internet since childhood, Millennials  especially expect that recruiters will find them, and that they will be surrounded by personalized content that will drive them to their next job. Smart organizations are tapping into the marketing practice of building out a customer journey for their recruiting efforts. Excerpted from the eBook: The Digital Transformation of Recruitment by Charlene Li, Founder of Altimeter Group and author of Open Leadership. Download a free copy of this eBook.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Beyoncé s resume proves she is the true artist of the year

Beyoncé ’s resume proves she is the true artist of the year Beyoncé ’s resume proves she is the true artist of the year If the statement ‘’the candidate with the highest achievements gets the award’’ was true, wouldn’t Beyoncé be the winner of this year’s AMAs?The American Music Awards 2016 are over and left Beyoncé with a single award: TOUR OF THE YEAR. Doesn’t she deserve the ARTIST OF THE YEAR award, though?Beyoncé is not only an immensely talented singer, songwriter, dancer but she has a significant experience as an entrepreneur and actress too. She is the most awarded woman artist in MTV Video Music Awards and the most Grammy nominated artist.Everyone is familiar with her thrilling vocals, videos, and live shows. Her career is remarkable and we could all learn a lesson or two on professional development from her.As Bey’s fans, we did deeper research about her. You can see the most significant parts of her life and career in this resume.What can we learn from Bey’s career?Reinvent YourselfEven though Destiny’s Child was a successful formation, Beyoncé showed that she can be successful on her own as well. Her first solo album Dangerously in Love, created while she was still a part of the group, was a huge achievement. It won 5 Grammy Awards and sold over 10 million copies worldwideIn 2005, Destiny’s Child officially split up. Many would have thought that this situation would fluster the whole group, but not Beyoncé. She flawlessly continued her career. After Dangerously in Love, she released 5 more very successful albums. She proved that winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit.Lesson: Don’t get set back when a project you worked on ends. Rather look at how to move forward and build on top of your previous experience. Believe in your own strengths and abilities.Create a new opportunity out of any situationBey’s 6th and latest album, Lemonade, is quite different from the others. It’s like a movie, a visual album, and a unique concept that includes stunning artworks and music. It consists of 10 chapters dedicated mainly to her personal struggles and the experience of black women in the USA.With Lemonade, Bey took a different path to her fans’ hearts. In general, she is known to be very protective of her private life. By sharing the most precious memories from her wedding with Jay Z, her pregnancy and a home video from Blue Ivy’s birthday party, she touched many souls out there. This approach made Lemonade worthwhile.Lesson: Don’t get stuck by doing the same thing all over just because it worked well the last time. Put effort into reversing every situation into an opportunity and look for new ways of improving yourself. Remember when life gives you lemons, make a lemonade.Focus on multiple industriesIf you’re not Bey’s biggest fan, you probably know her as ‘’just’’ a singer. Beyoncé, however, is a successful entrepreneur too.She has invested $150,000 in Sidestep, a mobile app for buying concert merchandise without having to stand in line. She also invested in WTRMLN WTR , a waterme lon beverage company. She partnered with her trainer and started the 22 Days Nutrition after becoming a vegan in 2013. Bey is a stakeholder in a streaming service Tidal. She is a co-founder of the Ivy Park brand that creates a new kind of workout clothes.Beyoncé earned experience in the film industry too. She starred in movies like The Fighting Temptations and Obsessed. She proved she can take on any role and be great at it.Bey loves doing things that she is still learning about. For her, it’s like ‘’starting over’’. That’s what excites her.Lesson: Look for opportunities where you can make a positive change in the world and in yourself. Don’t stop developing your skills and surround yourself with creative people. It will help you do amazing things.Beyoncé is not just a great artist but also an inspiring woman and a role model. Let us know if you think we left something important out ?? Tatiana Rehmova A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that every thing happens for a reason. Loves writing, editing and researching the newest ways of doing things. 2 comments on Beyoncé ’s resume proves she is the true artist of the year Maky on November 22nd, 2017 - 1:18am How do you get the charcoal background colour thats shown in Beyones resume? Reply Tatiana Rehmova on November 22nd, 2017 - 8:13am Hi Maky, this resume was created for marketing purposes only. Unfortunately, you cant find this type of background on our platform. Thanks ?? ReplyLeave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * Email * Website Subscribe now for moreSee more great content and inspiring examples of resumes done right each month!. Subscribe You're subscribed! Latest posts See all posts by Eric D. Halsey The Resumes of Chernobyl by Eric D. Halsey 4 Ways Creativity Can Improve Your Resume by Katherine (Tori) Lutz How to Create a First Year Elementary School Teacher Resume

Monday, November 11, 2019

4 Ways to Tap Into the Invisible Job Market

4 Ways to Tap Into the Invisible Job Market 4 Ways to Tap Into the Invisible Job Market Have you spent countless hours scouring job listing sites for open positions only to come up empty-handed?  Maybe you’ve met with recruiters, HR managers and career advisers, all to no avail.  In desperation, perhaps you even turned to the classifieds section of your local in-print newspaper, magazine or flyer but still haven’t managed to score that position of your dreams. While all of the above experiences may have you feeling blue about your job prospects, never fear.  There’s still one more resource you probably haven’t thought to mine yet; the invisible job market.  While not quite as exciting as an invisible plane, this well of job listings certainly can have a heroic effect on your job search.  Many open positions often go unlisted in the typical public spheres and savvy candidates can take advantage in order to score the job of their dreams.   But just how do you go about getting that word-of-mouth or referral based interview?  We’ve got a few tried and true strategies that turn you into an invisible job market pro in no time. Network, Network, Network When it comes down to brass tacks, the hidden market for jobs is all about who you know and being in the right place at the right time.  Connecting with those in the know is hard to do from the comforts of your couch.  Network with professionals in your chosen or desired career field and build a strong repertoire that stresses your knowledge, experience, and skills.  When you’re in the market, be sure to let your group know so that you can jump right into that hot, newly created position that hasn’t hit the public street just quite yet. That Includes Social Networking Too So maybe we were stretching the truth a bit when we said you couldn’t network at home in your PJ’s.  For busy professionals, social networking can be a much-needed tool in your job searching arsenal.  The trick here is to interact with people on the right platforms that enable you to show off your career skills and share ideas.  If you have a specific company in mind, be sure to “like” their various social media pages and see if you have any common connections internally. As far as specific platforms go, LinkedIn continues to be the best for those looking to keep a more professional bent.  Facebook and Twitter are easily accessible by many but are increasingly considered more social and informal venues for sharing cute cat memes and pictures of friends and family.  Sending a cold invite on LinkedIn is also considered acceptable behavior while connecting with someone you don’t know on less formal sites may have your message getting filed immediately in the virtual recycle bin. Cold Calling Isn’t Just for Salesmen While you may think handing out resumes like business cards is an outdated endeavor, sending your resume to target company’s you’re interested in working for is one of the best ways to tap into the invisible job market.  Sure, a good portion of cover letters, employment applications or resume packets may make their way immediately into the discard pile, but many companies still perform at least an initial overview of these materials in case they spot a super qualified candidate.   If you have a strong level of experience in your chosen field or other qualities that may immediately set your CV apart from the crowd, reaching out to an HR representative or hiring manager for a given company may be your ticket to an in-person interview.  Internal contacts will often keep information on quality candidates filed away for later meaning that even if there isn’t currently a position, you can potentially make the top of the list when one does come up in the future.  Another plus, there’s little to no downside in sending off a few well-crafted introductory emails or letters and a huge potential for gain. Internships and Volunteer Work One of the last, and best, ways to tap the fountain of the invisible job market is through internships, volunteer positions and other unpaid work for your target company.  Whether due to budget constraints, staffing, timing or other internal considerations companies often don’t have the okay to formally list a new position.  This leads to creating internships or volunteer openings in which candidates are invited to perform low-level tasks in exchange for experience and valuable face time. To make the most of these foot-in-the-door opportunities, candidates should be prepared to treat the position no differently than if it was a paying gig, showing your prospective employer just how dedicated of a full-time employee you would be.  It’s not unheard of for valuable interns to be kept on for paying positions after their unpaid tenure is up if they’ve shown the company or manager just how much of an asset they could really be. Have you had success with one of our suggested methods for utilizing the invisible job market or maybe have ideas we haven’t thought of?  Share your thoughts in the comments below about your go-to innovative approach for getting the ultimate leg up in landing a job that no one even knew existed.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What is Truly Happening with Paralegal Resume Samples

What is Truly Happening with Paralegal Resume Samples Paralegal schools locally may have alumni associations that could help out with recruitment. A college degree isn't needed to develop into a Paralegal. There are various sorts of paralegal resumes depending on the responsibilities that these assistants are made to take care of. There are 50 different expert paralegal resumes from many different specialties out there in the report below. If so our professionally written Paralegal resume sample will be able to help you craft one that is going to stick out from the remainder of the applicants. If you would like to differentiate yourself from other applicants, you require a great resume. Your resume doesn't need to be all paralegal, all of the moment. Again without attempting to sound overly repetitive, you need to get certified as a Paralegal. A Paralegal ought to be highly organized and ready to work with firm deadlines. Knowledgeable paralegals also might be seeking to modify jobs. Detailed descriptions of paralegal duties and duties for various regions of paralegal specialization. Utilize our page to receive all strategies and secrets to prepare the suitable format of your paralegal resume. Whether this Paralegal resume example was not sufficient for you, you're absolutely free to review several other samples and templates from our website. Take a look at this entry-level paralegal resume template to find out more. Take a look at our paralegal resume templates to get started writing a resume you can be pleased with. A sensible approach to have a professional looking continue is with the guidance of Free Application App. Application Builder The continue builder is quite straightforward to take advantage of. There are a number of sites which provides a Job application constructor facility. There are lots of templates you're in a place to use to consider the resume. The Basics of Paralegal Resume Samples A performing resume design template might become your key to obtaining the component of a lifetime. Resume Templates There are over 20 layouts to choose from. Whichever type of work you're attempting to find, the Gabriella professional curriculum vitae template is a significant alternate. Resume styles can change rapidly, which means you might have to do a little bit of on-line research before you write up your abilities and accomplishments. Composing a cover letter is one of the critical tasks jobseekers must undertake to improve their odds of success. Applying Microsoft term to produce an application could be quite easy but at just the exact same time merely a little bit sophisticated if you don't learn to start it. Employing work application template is currently an acceptable and smart practice for any number of explanations. Employing a strong attribute at the beginning of the sentence effectively arouses interest. The Chronicles of Paralegal Resume Samples If you're proud of you research work, take some time to spell out why. Utilizing hard numbers to back up your experience indicates that you're an asset and will improve your probability of finding the job. If you plan to obtain a do the work then the perfect point to do is definitely to develop into prepared. Instead, short, well-constructed, and simple to read should become your mantra. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. To have an interview you want to present your resume for the work application which is based on facts. Utilize our cover letter sample to polish your abilities and receive the job that you desire. If you're thinking about a specialist job that you have to earn a work application. Free sample maintains are an incredible resource when trying to create an extremely excellent work job application. Our free of charge continue templates ensure it is straightforward and simple to compose an expert job application which you could proudly present to any sort of employer. If you'd like to find a different job, the net is a great learning resource. Use the search box to find precisely what you are searching for. A Startling Fact about Paralegal Resume Samples Uncovered To put it differently, an individual may call a paralegal the proper hand man to an attorney. After your interpretation, you have to b e capable of understanding good application of the law. The character of work involved can differ based on the specialty of the law firm. Even with lawyers, you've got several kinds based on the sort of cases they handle.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Resume Web Templates Options

Resume Web Templates Options Life After Resume Web Templates You only ought to put jobs on a resume that relate to the role available. Making a resume with the assistance of a template is able to help you become mindful of the work application areas you should fill up. Applying with the work targeted resume for each job is a superb practice rather than sending same resume for each job. Utilize Resume Templates One of the greatest ways which you can begin putting together a resume that's going to enable you to land the job which you want, is to make sure your resume is properly laid out. What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume Web Templates Before You're Left Behind When you're asking for employment which depends on the benefits of the individual, you will require a continue template that you have the ability to utilize a bit more personality into for making it pop'. A complete option for candidates with plenty of experience who want to have a really good one-page resume t emplate. The template is remarkably simple to customize, you can have each of the changes accomplished whenever you wish in only a few minutes. A number of the templates are free while others cost a couple of dollars. Below are a few important benefits of using readymade CV templates Professional Appeal lots of people believe that using the resume templates will influence your odds of getting job. Resume templates are ideal for women and men that have a tendency have got the art of producing impressive resumes. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few explanations. Whatever They Told You About Resume Web Templates Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Furthermore, the navigation is smooth and it's quite easy to scroll through the whole layout. A template includes the simple formatting of the resume. You only need to know how to create effective use of resume templates. Try the CVitae template if you need to take advantage of the popular parallax design and produce an impression on potential employers. A creative free resume template made for all kinds of professionals. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not signify a major rewrite, but instead just a couple of tweaks. The whole selection of resume templates is made up of a variety of creative resume designs. There is an assortment of templates that you're in a place to use to consider the resume. Other times, you might need to rewrite no more than the personal overview to coordinate with the work description. The peak of your resume should includecritical keyword phrases and a fast snapshot of your core strengths, Leavy-Detrick states. 1 Resume is a totally free one page web template that comes with a smooth jQuery slide between sections of the webpage. It can be quite monotonous attempting to make the resume from scratch. Free resume template is the perfect minimalistic and clean. Today, there are various free, exemplary website templates to be found on the web. Web designers and developers are co ntent to share all sorts of completely free website templates. The clean and easy design can help you to clearly show your skills, portfolio items in an outstanding way. Fortunately, the internet is full of resources that can help you comprehend the fundamentals. Although picking resume themes decide on the one which fits the project expertise rather than the task details. Possessing a continue template has become a satisfactory and smart practice for numerous elements. The template includes portfolio and client sections where it's possible for you to display logos of prior customers and examples of your prior work. It must have a section for writing skills regarding the certification an individual might have. While it is most suitable for designers, other professionals can use it as well. The Pain of Resume Web Templates Consequently, you're in a position to pick the very best task resume web templates when you're trying to find any. If you would like to be given a work shortly or wish to modify your projects then you wish to take under consideration the resume. In addition, in the event where one's last job reference wasn't the best one, an individual might want to select the assistance of a functional resume template. Once you choose the template you want, scale its live demo in your browser window and find out how the idea of responsive de sign works.