Monday, December 30, 2019
How to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking Events
How to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking festsHow to Excel at and Enjoy Social Networking EventsNetworking is vitally important for your career because it can open the door to exciting possibilities like meeting influential people, a future mentor, or new opportunities.It can also be both personally and professionally enriching. So why do some of us avoid building our network through networking auffhrungs?Maybe its the fear of the unknown or the thought of it makes us feel uneasy. To help you overcome these emotions, heres how to prepare for a networking event and to get the most out of the event, while youre there and after you leave. Before You Go Find networking events to attend Two sites that work well are and each site, search for categories that interest you and then select a network type of event. You could also check out associations that your LinkedIn network belongs to and see if they offer networking events or conferences.If an assoc iation really interests you, join it and then be sure to subscribe to its newsletter to learn about upcoming events. Preregistering for events is a good idea because you will be less likely to bail if youve already registered.That will also give you time to prepare and so make anticipating the event less stressful. Get mentally prepared Ask yourself these questions to platzset a goal about what you want to accomplish at the event Are there a number of contacts you want to hit?What will your ask be?Is there a problem youre looking to solve?Are you looking for a new hire?Is there a type of person you want to meet? Having a goal to achieve will help you maintain your focus and keep the nervousness at bay. Next, research what each event is about.If there is a presentation, research the presenter and think of questions youd like to ask them.If the event will be held in an interesting location, read up on it because that will give you a great conversation starter. Prepare a rough outline about what professional and/or personal information you will share with new contacts.Having the outline will help you keep the conversation going without babbling on and enable you to avoid those awkward moments of silence. Get physically prepared Plan the outfit you will wear.If its after work, bring a new outfit with you to change, so you will feel fresh and special. Find some time to relax before the event begins.Check yourself out in a mirror to make sure everything is in place.Then take a few slow deep breaths.You are not going into a competition.No one knows about the goal youve set for yourself at this event.Only you will know if you succeed or not. While Youre There Remember to smileYou have worked hard to get to this point and should be proud of what youve already accomplished.So smile for yourself and for others. Believe that you are someone worth meeting because you are Work on your goal As you meet new people, consider ways they could help you meet the goal youve set for yourself. Treat everyone gently and listen attentively to what they have to say, even if you realize they arent someone who can help you achieve that goal. Who knows? You may have met someone who will become a new good friend or who could help you reach a goal- or whom you could help reach a goal- in the future. Enjoy yourself No matter your primary goal, your secondary goal should be to have fun. Dont put so much emphasis on making the event a success that you forget to be yourself at the moment. Youll make a better impression on everyone you meet if youre there in a spirit of fun. Keep track of the new people youve met After youve made a connection with someone, take some notes so youll be able to recall who everyone was. The more people you chat with, the hazier the details may be later. As youre writing your notes, visualize the persons face again so it will be easier to recognize them the next time you see them in person. Leave at the right time Make your exit when youve a ccomplished or made satisfactory progress toward your goal. After the Event Review your notes Look over your notes, remember the conversations youve had, and decide whom youd most like to follow up with. Even if you dont feel youve made a worthwhile connection with someone, you should at least follow up with a LinkedIn invite and perhaps an email. Deepen the connection If you really hit it off with someone and/or think theyre an important networking connection, definitely follow up with an email. Ask to meet with them again sometime, perhaps over coffee or for lunch. Dont come on too high-pressure, like a used-car salesman. Let the relationship develop a bit before you ask about job openings at their company or seek an interview, informational or otherwise, with them or someone else in their company. Plan for your next event If you still feel a bit apprehensive about networking, plan to go to another networking event pretty quickly to keep up your momentum. But now that youve go tten one down, theyll get easier and youll gain even more confidence and get more out of each one.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone
How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone How to Keep the Peace in a Workplace Warzone When dealing with problems in the workplace (or anywhere), consider several approaches that may mitigate hostility and promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict at hand. First off, give other people the benefit of the doubt. Dont immediately assume an individual is acting with the worst intentions in mind. Much more likely, poor choices were made based on miscommunication, overwork, or accidental oversight. Approach the issue from the viewpoint that a negative outcome was notlage the result of a personal vendetta. When discussing the issue with a co-worker, try to remain neutral and not let emotions control the direction of the conversation.A great way to get a different perspective on the issue is the tried and true put yourself into the other persons shoes technique. Try to understand the other priorities and pressures your co-worker is facing in plus-rechnen to the bungled behavior at t he root of a problem. Putting yourself into a position to feel empathy for another person can help you better understand his or her state of mind that might have led to a mistakes besides outright maliciousness.Workplace tension is often caused by basic misunderstandings especially when conveying instructions for a complex project or other task. Before delegating any assignment to a co-worker, meet with the individual and clarify the precise responsibilities that person is taking on for his or her tasks. Afterward, periodically check in on progress to make sure instructions are being followed and to prevent problems from occurring from the start.An easy way to escalate a minor dispute into a full blown argument is to use destructive criticism and name calling. When (not if) disagreements arise, keep criticism constructive and remain supportive. Keeping an even tone and using neutral wording are the primary means of avoiding tension buildup and the development of resentment. Bottom l ine be tactful at all times.A key tactic to keeping problems from reaching your manager is to resolve any conflict rapidly. Dont wait around for the other person to hold out an olive branch. Once your emotions have settled, politely ask to meet with your co-worker and focus on finding a solution to the problem. Sometimes the resolution can be as simple as apologizing or being forgiving. Other times, particularly uncompromising people may not be willing to cooperate in dispelling tension. Especially rude or stubborn people may leave you no other choice than to escalate the issue to a supervisor. Despite the inevitable presence of these people in the workplace, most disagreements can be solved through simple diplomacy and mutual empathy.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Introduction Etiquette for Business Men and Women
Introduction Etiquette for Business Men and WomenIntroduction Etiquette for Business Men and WomenBusiness etiquette rules for introducing people in a geschftsleben setting are notlage much different from the accepted customs of personal introductions in a social setting. Unfortunately, the rules of introduction are not so straightforward and simple as one might think, and who you introduce first does matter. For example, in most social settings in the U.S. (and in fact, worldwide) it is still considered customary and preferred for women to be introduced to men (instead of men being introduced to women). But as women achieve more equality, this rule is changing, particularly in the U.S. business world. Situations Social and Business Introduction Rules Are the Same In both business and social situations, you should always introduce Younger people to older people.Junior-ranking professionals to senior-ranking professionals.Business contacts and staff to clients.Personal acquaintanc es and family members to business professionals when attending a business function.Guests to their hosts. In other words, as a show of respect introduce those of a lower position to those of a higher status whether that means a social or professional status. As antiquated and unfair as this may sound, this protocol for introducing people is still considered socially acceptable (and often expected) in the U.S. and many other countries. Avoid Discrimination It is important to note that under no circumstances should you use introduction rules to socially define people of another race, color, religion, or sexual preference as a someone of a lower status. To do so would be purely inappropriate and discriminatory. The purpose of designed introductions is to show respect for the presumed social order based on position or accomplishment, and not to demean or classify other people as being inferior. Social Protocol for Introducing People in a Business Situation In a business setting, always introduce people by saying their title and full anthroponym first, and then follow with a brief, interesting, or relevant piece of information about the people you are introducing. For example, when introducing Sally Rider, one of your advertising and marketing managers, to Dr. Jennifer Wilkins, a business client, introduce Sally (asubordinate employee) to the senior professional (in this case, the client) Dr. Jenkins, this is Sally Rider, our topadvertisingand marketing executive who will be personally handling your account with us. Sally, this is Dr. Jennifer Wilkins. She heads the womens education department at theAdvanced Institute for Business Women. Dr. Wilkins is interested in new ways to market their education programs to women. If the person you are introducing has no title, you do not know her title, or it would seem too formal for a particular setting, you can offer her name first but still follow with information about what she does. How to Respond to an Intro duction When someone has just been introduced to you, your response should be genuine, short, and simple. You should also repeat the persons name at the end of your greeting. Repeating the name of the person you were just introduced to serves two purposes it shows polite respect, and it helps you to remember the persons name. You can also add a brief comment about the person (not about yourself) For example It is so nice to meet you, Dr. Wilkins. I have followed your work for years with much enthusiasm.It is wonderful to finally meet you, Dr. Wilkins. I look forward to working with you. How to Respond to an Introduction If You Dont Know Their Title If someone was introduced to you without reference to their title (i.e., Doctor, Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.), you have to use some common sense in your reply. Your response should take into accountwhyyou are being introduced. Is the introduction a social courtesy or intended to connect you with the purpose of establishing a new relationshi p? In most cases, introductions as a social courtesy demand a more formal reply (using titlesand last names), while introductions to build business relationships between people of equal status can generally be more relaxed. For example, if you are being introduced to someone you might work or partner with or someone who is of equal social or professional standing you can use their first name in your response Its a pleasure to meet you, Margaret. If you are being introduced to a potential new boss or someone that is or will be your senior, be more formal and add their title Its a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Dixon. If in doubt, or the introduction is being offered as a courtesy or is very formal always add a title. This shows respect and allows the person being introduced to decide whether or not they want to be on a first-name basis with you. How to Respond to Being Formally Introduced to Business Men Simply add Mr. in front of their last name. For example, if John Smith was introd uced to you, an acceptable response might be, Its an honor to meet you, Mr. Smith. How to Respond to Being Formally Introduced to Business Women Always go with Ms. if you do not know the marital status or title of a woman. Incorrectly using Mrs. offends some women, whereas calling a woman Ms. (even when incorrectly used) is not nearly as offensive. Never address any woman asMiss unless she has specifically been introduced to you as Miss.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)Youve considered the reasons why you should or shouldnt self-publish, and have decided to give self-publishing a try. Then youve reviewed the editorial, packaging and sales considerations, and decided to publish an e-book. If you like the idea of your self-published e-book being available for the online retail giant, Amazon.coms, Kindle device, then Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) may be an e-book self-publishing tafelgeschirr to consider.? About Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Kindle Direct Publishing offers e-book-only publishing, a format popular with authors such as genre novelists (for Amazon.coms paperback publishing services, landsee CreateSpace). While of course you should thoroughly review all the features and contractual points before signing up for any self-publishing service, here are some of Kindle Direct Publishings highlights. KDPs Editorial Design Services - Kindle Direc t Publishing doesnt offer editorial services per se (though those services are available for a fee from KDPs Amazon sister company CreateSpace). In order to format the file for your e-book, KDP does offer a compact booklet (both in Kindle and PDF form) that provides detailed technical specifications for publishing your e-book successfully on the KDP platform.KDP Book Package - Kindle Direct Publishing offers e-book only format and, as stated above, gives parameters and instructions for the technical specifications for formatting the file. In addition to the instructions for the file format, strongly suggests that the book have a compelling cover image, though for those books that dont have an image, the service will fill in with a simple placeholder. Book Cost/Pricing - There are no upfront charges to self-publish on KDP. The author chooses his or her own list price offers options for 35 percent author royalties and 70 percent author royalties. Each option come s with its own tischset of parameters. KDP allows the author to switch royalty options, if desired, but its advisable to review the options carefully before choosing the first time.Amazon.coms Kindle Direct Publishing Book Distribution - The Kindle Store provides KDP-published authors with a distribution channel. Amazon Kindle owners can purchase KDP content on the Kindle Store site and download it for reading on the Amazon Kindle wireless e-reading device. Readers who do not own an Amazon Kindle are also able to read KDP content on their PCs or Macs by using Kindle for PC/Mac software or read KDP content on their mobile phones or PDAs with the Kindle app. Kindle Direct Publishing Book Publicity and Marketing - When an author publishes through KDP, it is included in Amazons merchandising algorithms. While its not explicit how a quickly a new book will be entered into the clickstream (presumably it has to do with topic, sales movement, etc), online merchandising may include the book jacket and description appearing when a customer is viewing another books page, under such cross-promotional areas as More Items to Consider, Customers with Similar Searches Purchased, and Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought. Promotional programs also may include customer sampling. Kindle Direct Publishings Proprietary Advantages - In addition to the obvious distribution potential of Amazon.coms retail site, those who publish with Kindle Direct Publishing, are offered the opportunity for additional advantages, such as added royalties, through a feature called KDP Select.By enrolling in Amazon.coms KDP Select, authors make their book accessible to the Kindle Owners Lending Library (a readers service whereby Kindle/Amazon Advantage users borrow books for free). Each month, Amazon sets aside a pool of funds and KDP Select authors share in them, according to the number of times their books are borrowed.An authors share of the Kindle Owners Lending Library Fund is calculated based on a share of the total number of qualified borrows of all participating KDP titles. For example, if the monthly fund amount is $500,000, the total qualified borrows of all participating KDP titles is 100,000. If a book was borrowed 1,500 times during that period, the books author will earn 1.5 percent (1,500/100,000 1.5%), or $7,500 for that month.Those who have already published to KDP can also enroll with KDP Select. Visit the Kindle Direct Publishing website.If youve self-published your own book, feel free to submit a review of Kindle Direct Publishing or any other self-publishing service.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Proper Ways to Request Vacation Time
Proper Ways to Request Vacation TimeProper Ways to Request Vacation TimeGoing on vacation bears the responsibility of being accountable to your co-workers and anfhrer. You canelend simply up and leave because you purchased plane tickets or found a great deal on If you are not sure how to go about it, we share the proper ways to request vacation time at your next job.Check the rulebookBefore you begin to plan a vacation, check out your employee handbook or operational guidelines. Make sure you know the companys guidelines for requesting vacation days. Ultimately, when you are planning your vacation there will be a greater sense of ease that you are not risking your job in the process.bedrngnis only is it respectable to the other co-workers, when you start sharing your pictures and locations on social media, there is no concern someone from work will see it.On top of this, you want to make sure you are not taking too many days at once or taking more days off than you are al lowed. Checking the rulebook will help you with both the formal and informal rules for taking days off in your workplace.Plan around workThe next step here is not to plan a vacation when a serious amount of work is about to affect your department. For example, if the company is planning on doing an internal audit of its processes and you happen to be Head of Operations. It would be a bad idea for you to disappear because you will be heavily needed during the audit.This will also cut down on you having to stay engaged with work while on vacation. Try to think of all co-workers and their needs and you not being there will impact the team. Even if someone can cover you, it is a good idea not to put others in that situation (especially if the person who covers for you REALLY screws up).Give plenty of warning/noticeWhen you have planned out some target dates, give your boss plenty of notice. Even though you have collected vacation days it does not mean you can leave work whenever you wan t.When you present your request for vacation time, try to avoid presenting it like a list of demands. Make some suggestions and see what the boss has to say, instead of simply saying, I am taking a vacation this week. The last thing you want to do is undermine your bosses authority.If you must keep a certain date for vacation time, such as attending a destination wedding, do everything in your power to find someone to cover you.Pick a good day to request vacationTry and gauge the kind of day your boss is going through before requesting a vacation. If he or she is having a bad day or coming off some uncomfortable meetings and calls, the last thing you want to do is walk in and say, I need this time off. See if you can wait until the boss is not having a stressful day. When you are asking your boss for something, you want him or her in a positive frame of mind.If you work in salesor some other role where you are facing a big deadline like the end of the quarter, or right before a prod uct launch, you should probably be strategic about the dates you pick for a vacation.Accept your fateThe best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Be prepared for the boss to say no to your request. Sometimes, work and life are so horribly out of whack that the perfect vacation conflicts with the perfect storm at work. If the boss says, No, suck it up and deal with it. You will be appreciated much more in the end.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Ba Resume at a Glance
Ba Resume at a Glance You may have a Kanban board. As a member, you will get business analyst job alerts sent straight to your inbox so that you can waste no time applying to the ones which youre fruchtwein interested in. A career for a business analyst can be very rewarding. Instead, the company analysts job is to make sure that the delivered solution is an actual answer for the organization and not simply something that the team wanted to build. Which leads to a job role that looks tailor-made for the company analyst. To me, the parte of a business analyst really comes down to some things. In the event the business is using SalesForce, theyd really like to get a candidate whos already acquainted with the program. By way of example, for my industry (management consulting), nobody would like to employ a management consultant who doesnt understand how to utilize PowerPoint. More than that, you will learn just what to do next to expand your organization analysis opportunities. So many businesses today need analysts, but the crucial thing is to find the right resume out there so that you can benefit from the jobs out there. There are a few professions like finance or healthcare where specific certifications or degrees are important to getting the job. For placement on your resume, consider where youre in your career and that which you need to emphasize. Even without prior history, its still true that you have the skills, education, and individual qualifications necessary to create a good case for why youd be a fantastic candidate. There might be a selection of jobs youre qualified for that can help you on your career path. The Bad Secret of Ba Resume Lots of people have never been officially known as a Business Analyst. Its possible to also seeA Recruiting Manager Resumes While applying for work in new company theres a need of an effective resume that may speak mora concerning the work performed by you. So again, huge effect on how folks work and a chance to reimagine the method by which the business processes can be dealt with the Lightning UI. A professional on-line presence makes it possible for you to demonstrate your skills with an on-line portfolio and your expertise with industry-related posts. Another facet of your fresher resume that has to be highlighted is your abilities and qualifications. A CV for a new Ph.D. graduate will probably be about 3-5 pages. Writing a successful resume isnt easy. While Canadian resumes are available in many unique formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about. Bear in mind that no one cares what you would like. Consult with the psychologist resume templates you encounter on the website to acquire a concept of what you want to include in your resume. For children and teens who might not own a lot on their resumes, they ought to incorporate any school or community theater productions theyve participated in, along with classes theyve taken. In the future, you will have a resume template library ready to fulfill any work application situation. If youre lacking a good deal of qualified experience then it is even more critical you compose a flawless education section. Then, talking about your secondary abilities and obligations over the principal ones is another mistake you have to be cautious of. The absolute most important consideration to keep in mind while you document your education is honesty. If education has become the most prominent portion of your experience, put it towards the top. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. So, you must make your complex responsibilities easy and simple to comprehend. So treasure your time if you receive a BA job. There are variety of examples and various forms of Free Resume Templates which can be found which may be downloaded free.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
This Is Why Skill Set Isnt Everything In The Hiring Game
This Is Why Skill Set Isnt Everything In The Hiring GameThere are only a few organizations that truly need to hire based on skill alone. The New York Yankees, for example. Major movie studios, definitely. Modeling agencies would be another one. Its tough to win a World Series, an Oscar or land a major ad campaign with someone who doesnt have the necessary set of skills to get there. But for nearly every other schriftart of business, a candidates skills are important, but theyre not the be all, end all. Especially when you consider the fact that, globally, 38 percent of employers had difficulty filling jobs last year due to a lack of technical competencies, according to ManPowerGroups 2015 Talent Shortage Survey. It may binnenseem counterintuitive to hear that a hiring manager or a recruiter shouldnt zero in on an applicants skill level as they look to fill a role. But there are a number of reasons why focusing on a persons skill set alone becomes dangerous. These includeYou can chang e a persons skills, but you cant change who they are.Its terrific if a new employee shows up on their first day of work fully equipped to do their job perfectly. However, its equally important that they mesh well with their new colleagues. If you hire for skill and dont weigh personality type or character, you could end up with the most technically talented new hire youve ever had, but also the one who creates the most zug in the arbeitszimmer. Its much easier to teach skills than it is to teach the ability to get along well with others. Consider both factors when making a hiring decision.Skilled talent may also have learned a few bad habits along the way.Companies within the same field can operate quite differently from one another. If you have an employee who was doing a job with Company X for years, they may come to Company Y with plenty of experience. However, they may have also picked up some habits at Company X that the managers at Company Y dont love. Because ansicht patterns are so ingrained in their daily work habits, it can be hard to retrain this employee and break them of these problematic patterns. Its easier to teach someone a skill when theyve got a clean slate.Technical abilities dont always translate to passion for the job.An employee might be great at what they do, but in no way does this mean that they love it. Those who lack a real passion for the job can end up causing the company (and the morale within that company) to suffer in the long-run. Youre better off hiring someone who could use some additional training, but is eager to learn as opposed to someone who naturally excels in the role, but couldnt care less about the work they do each day.Skills mean nothing if an employee doesnt have a passion for the job.Click To TweetOnce youve taken hiring for skills alone out of play, what else should you consider as you vet candidates for an open role within your or a clients business? These are key traits to look for in a potential new hireCus tomer service skillsRegardless of whether an employee is in a client-facing role on a day-to-day basis, hiring managers and recruiters want to know that the individual will conduct themselves appropriately should they end up interacting with clients. Each employee represents a business, so professionalism and courtesy are essential.The right personalityEmployers look for a few key personality traits when they search for their next team member, including professionalism, high energy levels, and confidence. People who come into the office each day fired up and ready to work inspire others around them to be the same way. Energy levels are contagious, for better or for worse, so you want someone in your office whos going to motivate other employees to get out there and make a difference. While exuberance matters, you dont want someone whos like a bull in a china shop. You need an employee who knows how to conduct themselves professionally in any situation. Whether theyre courting a new client or killing time with someone in accounting, they know whats OK to say and whats not. You also want this person to feel confident in various situations. They should trust their gut and feel equipped to represent their company.Attention to detailRegardless of position or department, careful attention to detail is a must. Employees who only focus on the big picture can end up inadvertently causing major mistakes to happen as they overlook details that become significant in the long-run. From typos to decimals that could drastically change the outcome of a profit and loss statement, you want someone who makes it a point to check and double check their work.Gets along with many different personality typesIf youve worked in an office for long enough, you know that youll find a diverse blend of personality types who all have to coexist and share the same cafeteria. You have introverts and extroverts. You have those who love group brainstorming sessions and those who would love to be left alone with their thoughts. A new addition to your team should be able to do business peacefully with these varying personalities. No need to be best friends with everyone, but treating all colleagues in a civilized manner is essential.A passion for what they doIf an employee doesnt believe in the companys mission, eventually theyre going to experience burnout. Recruit people who truly love the work they do and believe in the reason theyre doing it. Employees who come in simply to collect a paycheck will quickly reveal themselves and will struggle to properly pull their weight.Willingness to put in the workIts rare to find a job thats always 9-5 anymore. There will be days or weeks when staff members are required to log extra hours. While they may not love missing time with their friends or family, the right people for the job understand they have to do whats necessary to get the work done. Seek out employees who are more focused on completing the project properly than they are on watching the clock and leaving at 501 p.m. on the dot.Wants to improveIt doesnt matter how long youve been doing a job or how many degrees youve obtained, theres always room to get better. When an employee decides they know everything there is to know about their field, they start to plateau. As a result, their value within the company decreases. Seek out someone who constantly wants to improve their knowledge and skills. Someone who wants to attend conferences and workshops. Someone who reads trade magazines and blogs pertaining to the field. These are the employees who will continue to stay relevant, even as their field evolves.Values the team mentalityAsk nearly any employee in America and youll probably hear that they regularly handle tasks that wouldnt anliegen under their assigned job description. When a staff member cares about the business, they tackle these tasks to ensure that the company continues to flourish. When hiring, look for an employee whos focused on the team as a whole, rather than someone who obsesses over what is or isnt their job.Handles feedback wellNo one loves to hear criticism, but from time to time, its necessary. Even if your employee is wonderfully talented at their job, there will come a day when they make a mistake that warrants correcting. Make sure the person you hire is someone who is responsive and receptive to this feedback.Employees who blow up, storm out of the office, or melt down become disruptive to the business as a whole. Managers become hesitant to have a discussion with them, which means the mistakes that need correcting are allowed to continue. This can lead to a whole host of other issues. When feedback is received and acted upon, problems are squashed before theyre allowed to develop further.Has the ability to multitaskTodays working world is fast paced. You might be typing away on an assignment one minute, only to get called into a meeting the next. Find someone who can easily adapt to an ever-changing off ice environment without getting flustered. Multi-taskingmatters, as does the ability to stay focused and keep priorities in line, even as situations change around you at work.Can make decisionsEven if theyre not in a management role, its useful to have an employee who is comfortable making decisions. Inevitably at some point, they will find themselves in a situation where they have to make choices that will impact the company (What vendor should you use? What time should the event start?), and you dont want someone who teeters back and forth, unable to trust their own ability to pick an option.Seeks to innovateSometimes companies stall out because they continue to operate just as they always have. Its not because this way is the most effective way, but rather because its the most comfortable. Find employees who are willing to innovate and think creatively. They bring fresh blood and new ideas to the office, and help identify outdated or unproductive patterns that are slowing the com pany down.Takes responsibility for mistakesFessing up to a major work blunder is tough, even for well-respected members of a team. But doing so is important in order to keep the company operating smoothly. If an idea falls flat or a customer isnt happy, the people responsible for the issue need to be OK with stepping forward and making it right. Passing the blame around can cause tension within an office, plus it makes the business look unprofessional to its customers.Look for inherent skills like creativity, decisiveness, and being personable when hiring.Click To TweetHiring managers are often in a tricky position. Even when they know what kind of employee they should be looking for, beyond just the hard skills and the flashy resume, it can be tough to strike a balance. How do you make sure youre getting the right type of person who also has the right type of experience? There are a few waysMake the interview more hands onIts easy for someone to fake their way through a series of s tandard interview questions. To really get a sense of what the candidate is all about, try shaking up your interview process. If you want to verify that they have the necessary technical skills, have them create a sample project. Write a script. Build a model. Do a mock-up of a logo. Rather than talking about the work they would do if they came and joined your team, youll get to see it in action. This gives you a better idea of whether their actual abilities back up their interview answers.Let them interact with your teamBecause company culture and employee morale are so important, youll want to get a sense of how this person would mesh with your more veteran employees. Instead of hypothesizing and asking theoretical questions, give them a chance to meet everyone briefly. Any immediately negative interactions should be a red flag that perhaps this hire isnt a good fit for the business.See a persons potentialAnalyzing a resume is important, but you should also keep in mind that who a n individual is right now isnt always indicative of what they could be. If they were given career development opportunities, for example, they might obtain the skills necessary to become more technically sound. Take musiknote of where a potential hire is currently at in their career, but dont pigeonhole them. Professional growth is always possible in the right situation.Analyzing potential hires based on technical skill is important in order to ensure that a new team member is able to effectively pull their weight at work. However, dont underestimate the importance of getting the right personality type in the position either. Finding a charismatic, enthusiastic individual whos ready to learn and has the potential to develop professionally can have a huge positive impact on your office.What are some other things to consider in a new hire, other than skill? Let us know in the comments below.
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